King of the Street 5



Race Time Gap to 1st Gap to guy in front Lap Time +1m Tyres Pit
Hugo Boss 35:57.681 46.430 T2 none
Missing Link 36:27.628 00:29.947 00:29.947 47.386 T2 none
Easyed 36:30.949 00:33.268 00:03.321 47.982 T2 none
4 GPTIM 36:34.433 00:36.752 00:03.484 47.861 T2 none
5 NoQuarter 36:37.491 00:39.810 00:03.058 48.041 T2 none
6 GT3Emperor 36:45.331 00:47.650 00:07.840 48.369 T2 none
7 Tommy 36:48.715 00:51.034 00:03.384 48.551 T2 none
8 Comrade 36:51.694 00:54.013 00:02.979 47.358 T3 10
9 daan 36:59.110 01:01.429 00:07.416 49.097 T2 none
10 Markspeed 37:02.725 01:05.044 00:03.615 49.078 T2 none
11 bobman 37:09.776 01:12.095 00:07.051 48.427 T2 none
12 Famine 37:38.436 01:40.755 00:28.660 49.434 T3/T4 7 & 14
13 Nitrous Oxide 38:22.312 02:24.631 00:43.876 51.491 T3 11


- * Bobkart 36:15.233 00:17.552 00:17.552 47.207 T2 none

* Used wrong car.

Lotus Esprit V8 SE. In 1997, Lotus introduced the Esprit V8. This replaced the previous Esprit's 2.2 litre 4 cylinder engine. The real difference between the V8 and the previous S4 lies behind the seats where the 3.5 litre 350HP Twin Turbo engine breathes.

The track. Tokyo R246 II. Race round the streets of Tokyo. Fast straights lead into a good mix of corners where concentration and precision driving is required. 

The Challenge. Take the Lotus Esprit V8 SE to the Polyphony Cup race at Tokyo R246 II and drive it to the end of the 20 lap race as fast as you can.

Qualifying - No qualifying is allowed. You must start from the back of the grid.

Allowed modifications - Tyres (you choose), ASM & TCS (you choose), Oil change. Pit stop strategy is up to you.  Car can be broken in (and will be by the time you've finished!)

Rules - As the races are over 20 laps, occasional wall hits will be allowed as long as they are not deliberate and/or excessive (Any more than 4 hits in the same spot is excessive). I realise that we are human beings (well, some of us are!) and mistakes will be tolerated. Deliberate wall hits will not be tolerated and you will be disqualified. Race Clean.

Disputes - If you have a problem with someone's time, then notify me via PM/email. Replays will have to be produced if your time is the subject of a dispute. If you do not have a replay device, then you will have to get your memory card to someone that does and your time will not count until it has been verified.

Replays - Not required unless there is a dispute (see above). If you have a Shark/Xport, you can send your replay to All replays will be accepted if you can supply one.

AI - The aI is stupid (yes, really!) and will hit you! AI hitting you is OK. Do not deliberately ram them and use them as brakes. Do not go up their insides at a corner to help you round that corner. Door rubbing, side to side contact on the straights is OK.

Do not discuss lap or race times in the forums, but feel free to discuss T2 times.

The challenge starts now and the deadline for times is 11am GMT on Sunday 14th March. 

PM or email me at with your total race time, best lap, tyres used and pit strategy, include with your submission whether you use DS2 or wheel and if you are PAL or NTSC.

I will maintain a leaderboard minus times. This means that you can see where you are in relation to others without knowing how far ahead (or behind!) you are. This will give you the opportunity to improve your position to try and catch the guy, or gal, in front of you.

Challenge posted at GT3Times, GTN and GTP